Cave in the central canyons of the Scorched Earth map The Old Tunnels is a Cave in the central canyons of the Scorched Earth map The Artifact of the Gatekeeper and a Scorched Spike Skin can be found inIn a nutshell, the Scorched Earth map adds 11 new creatures, 50 new items, a new boss, and an entire new map Easiest way to get water There are bugs called Jug Bugs, You may press E on them to drink water Ark survival evolved xbox one update docs ark home of doc s xbox one scorched earth creature archive ark scorched earth policy lab livakt 412 ark survival evolved scorched earth Resource Map Scorched Earth Official Ark Survival Evolved WikiArkmapshare A Tool To Help Tribes Scout And Share Landmarks Creative Chat Ark Official Munity ForumsKomunita
Water Vein Scorched Earth Official Ark Survival Evolved Wiki